
Sexbot is now available on

Sexbot 7.gif
Sebox 2.webp

See Store Page and Trailer:

Play as a nerdy college student trying to get a date for the homecoming dance. Just when it looks like you are doomed to a life of perpetual virginity, sexual salvation arrives in the form of the humanoid robot; Alexa.

With only one week to calibrate Alexa before the dance, your choices will determine what kind of date you're going to get. But the more time you spend with her, it becomes increasingly obvious she is not a basic Sexbot model and something more sinister is lurking in the shadows.

When things don't go as planned at the dance, she brings you back in time, to give you another chance.

The time travel mechanic in Sexbot allows you to make new choices, explore new paths, and experience new events (without having to save scum your way through). The best of Groundhog's day, but with a user friendly interface, that has been lubed up specifically to eliminate "the grind". The cast of Sexbot expands as you play, and you can pursue all of ridiculously attractive characters.

However, your actions are not without consequence. Big events cause ripples through the timelines, permanently altering character's relationships to you, and each other, unlocking trophies and even more possibilities.

See Store Page and Trailer:

20 votes / 481 weighted votes

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UNEXPECTED is now available on

Unexpected 5.webp
Unexpected 14.jpg


DELTA's project aims to prevent biological death, offering automatic repair of failing organs and, in the worst cases, replacing them with advanced mechanized alternatives. The vision is clear: a world where mortality is a relic of the past, and humanity ascends to a new, godlike dimension.

You are the child of the city's most powerful and wealthy man, the architect behind DELTA's monumental project—your father. However, instead of reverence, you harbor a deep-seated hatred for him, a resentment that has festered over the years.

Your betrayal is a calculated risk, one that could either shatter DELTA's ambitions or end in your own demise. As you navigate the dangerous waters of deception, sabotage, and conspiracy, the stakes grow ever higher. You must outwit your father, evade the company's relentless security, and ensure that the secret of eternal life never sees the light of day.

This is not just a story of betrayal; it is a narrative of choice, of ethics, and of the ultimate cost of defying destiny. As the world watches, your decision will determine the future of all mankind.

But not everyone believes in this utopia.


11 votes / 278 weighted votes

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FREE GAME: That New Teacher - Day 5 is now available on

Teacher 2.webp

See Store Page and Trailer:

After being made redundant at your old job as a Lab Technician, you've found an opportunity you cannot refuse!

You have just gotten a new job at an institute of higher learning with a brand new curriculum, ways of teaching, and methods of discipline. You are now the "Enforcer". The Enforcer is the only person on staff who can punish the students with all restrictions off.

Corporal punishment has been re-established, and at your own discretion you can reward or punish the students physically or sexually, based on their behaviour and grades as outlined by the PARE (Punishment and Reward Exchange) program put in place by The Institute's mysterious benefactors.

See Store Page and Trailer:

21 votes / 513 weighted votes

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How to let you know when Episode 3 is complete?

Hey FreshMen,

We have 3 release levels:

  • Part: Small updates
  • Episode: Medium updates
  • Season: Large updates

For each level, we have different user personas.

There are people who refuse to play Season 2 until it is ready. As a result, when Season 2 is fully ready, we will make that extremely clear in our marketing.

And there are also people who refuse to play an episode until it is 100% ready. These personas do not like "parts". As a result, we need some mechanism to make it very clear in our marketing when an episode is complete.

The question: how do we make it clear that an episode is ready to users who do not want to buy parts?

For example, we are going to release Season 2 Episode 3 Part 3, and we need some way to let those players know that Season 2 Episode 3 is complete.

Post your suggestions in the comments.

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