
Why We Are Building

Hey FreshMen,

Some of you might be wondering why we are building our own store,, and today I’d like to take a moment to talk to you about that.

The reasoning comes back to April 15th 2021, the day we launched Season 1 Episode 1 of FreshWomen.

We spent 11 months creating the first episode of the game, and were very excited to release it, but when we first launched, we got only 100 patrons in the first month. The money we had was not enough to keep making the game, and if things stayed like that, FreshWomen would be cancelled We would all have to return to our day jobs in order to pay the bills, and our dream would be gone.

I spent the two months working exclusively on marketing. I tried so many ideas, and got so frustrated because nothing seemed to work. We were stuck with 100 patrons. All my initial expectations were wrong, and the time and money were running out.

Then, a miracle happened. On June 11th, 2021, out of nowhere, a huge YouTuber called MxR played our game, and in a few days we reached 800 patrons. Suddenly, the energy of the team was different. We were a lot more motivated, and we finally had the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you can pay the bills. We then ditched our 10-year-old PCs and got new hardware. Then we hired our first animator, f1r3, who is leading the FreshWomen team since 2023.

We were saved thanks to the marketing help of someone else.

We were a small team, creating a game that we knew had A LOT of potential, and that we loved deeply. Everything could’ve gone wrong, but thanks to a little push by someone else, we succeeded. And I keep thinking about that: how many other devs are out there, with great games and little to no financial support or marketing reach? How many games are hidden gems, but get cancelled because they can’t reach their target audience, and fail to get the funding they urgently need? How many talented teams need just a little push in order to succeed?

That little push by MxR changed our lives. And now, we can do it for other developers too!

And that’s what I must do. I must build our store to help other game developers succeed in their early stages. I must build a platform controlled by an adult game developer for other adult game developers. I know the struggles and difficulties developers face, and I can make a difference.

We started releasing third party games a few weeks ago, and helped VimStudios (A Shot in the Dark) grow from 510 to 971 patrons in 20 days. We also helped VinovellaGames (Taboo University) grow from 551 to 841 patrons in 15 days.

The plan is to improve the store and make the marketing of game developers much easier and safe.

And that’s what why we are building



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The Seven Realms - Realm 3 is now available on

Seven realms.gif
Seven realms 2.gif


The Seven Realms is a fantasy, story-driven, adult visual novel. As the heir of one of the most powerful Realms, your choices will determine the fate of the world. Will you be a strong or a fair ruler? Will you inspire fear in your subordinates or let them think of you as weak? Are you going to forgive or hold your grudges forever? The choices are yours.

New choices will offer branching content, and previous ones will have more impact than ever.

Meet many new characters, including two new Harem Members:

Idril, a Sun Elf, and General in the Elven Army. Morwen, a noble Moon Elf, and Head of the Palace Servants.

What kind of partner, ally and ruler will you be?


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Deluxe Edition: Select Julia’s 3D Statue Pose and FreshWomen - Season 2 Episode 3 Part 3 progress

Hello, my dear FreshMen!

What an amazing week we had! Production is flowing, Susan’s sex scene is getting better and better, new tech is being developed, and we’ve got a lot to talk about!

Firstly, about the Deluxe Edition! We’re polishing our Character Skins proof of concept, and testing it thoroughly to make sure nothing breaks. There’s also a new usage we’re experimenting with, that I’m very hyped to tell you about. But, I want to be 100% sure it’ll work, because this will be a big one! Next week we’ll finish our tests and be ready to share it with you.

Now, about our 3D Digital Statues! We made a lot of progress this week, and it’s time to select the final pose for Julia’s 3D Digital Statue! Make sure you pick the best one here:

I personally can’t wait to print mine! To me, this is a very special idea. It’s bringing something digital into the physical world. And something that we poured our hearts and souls for years to create! Incredible! Julia’s Statue already has a reserved space on my shelf! xD

Selecting the pose will be the last step before we send the model to our 3D Sculptor, so be sure to vote until Sunday.

Deluxe Editions are coming! Are you ready?

Speaking of being ready, Season 2 Episode 3 Part 3 production is flowing greatly! We’re done with blocking, and almost done with lighting. Next, we’ll polish everything, fix bugs, and make sure everything is done to ensure you have the best experience possible.

Susan’s sex scene is turning into one of our best to date, and this week I had a very cool experience. I got a few people of our team, who hadn’t seen the scene before, to play it. And they loved it! It was a very special moment for me, and it made me certain we’re going in the right direction. We’re working very hard on this scene, Susan deserves our best, and you do too!

Here’s our progress in Season 2 Episode 3 Part 3 so far:

  • Storyboard: DONE!;
  • Blocking: DONE!;
  • Lighting: 7 in progress, 3 to go;
  • Facial Expression: 4 scenes done, 3 in progress, 3 to go;
  • Cloth Simulation and Polish: 1 scene done, 9 to go;
  • Animations: 24 on finishing stages, 8 to go;
  • Characters and Script are done!

II’m very, very hyped to release this part! It is emotional, fun, and super, super sexy. It has everything you could want in an amazing update and (if everything we’re planning works out) more! As soon as I’m 100% certain of a final release date, we’ll announce it.

PS: This week, we also made a Behind The Scenes Photoshoot with Arlian and Zhara! The shots look so pretty that they could’ve come straight out of a magazine’s page. Get it here:

That’s it for today, my friends. What a great, great week! We’re getting closer and closer to our next updates, and our team is very happy. Soon, it’ll finally be the time to share everything we’re working on with you!

As always, our deepest thanks to you for your love, participation and support. Making games has always been our dream, and thanks to you, we can dedicate our lives to creating these amazing experiences together! Thank you! Truly!

See you soon,


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Steps of Debauchery - Episode 3.1 is now available on



Riley is back, a girl who moves from a small town to the city to help her husband, Mike, pursue his dreams. While Mike is busy with his bar, Riley supports him wholeheartedly and often puts others’ well-being above her own. This leads her into unexpected situations, where she discovers more about her true self and deepest desires.

She explores her sexuality in college and unravels her fantasies, takes on the role of a waitress at the bar, engages in activities with an elderly neighbor, streams adventures with his grandson and that's just the tip of the mountain. Riley’s world is opening wide in front of her, and she waits for you to explore it.

In Steps of Debauchery you get to be Riley, the star of the show, who's dealing with more obstacles than a squirrel trying to cross a busy highway. And guess what? Your choices are like the GPS for the story.

Will you go down the shady path of corruption and blackmail? Maybe you'll be the hero and take on the bad guys. Or, hey, joining the dark side could be your thing!


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